Have you been going on a diet for a while and still not getting the desired results? It’s is probably because you’re going wrong somewhere. When it comes to shedding fat, we often fall into a trap and continue thinking what we’re doing is right. We often mistake the false facts as the right ones and they do us more harm than good. 

Here are a few facts which will help you avoid the mistakes you’ve been doing 

  • MYTH 1 –  “When trying to lose weight you should drop fats and carbs from your diet” 

Fats and carbs also play an important role in fat loss. Fats help in hormone production and many other health and muscle factors. Carbs are always seen as enemies for those on diet. But carbs are very essential since they are a major source of energy for the body. So, eliminating fats and carbs completely from your diet will slow down your body’s performance gradually. 


  • MYTH 2 – “Skipping meals will help you lose weight” 

Majority of the people are impatient and expect to see the results of their dieting immediately. They think skipping meals will help them lose weight faster. However, it does the exact opposite to your body. Your metabolic rate slows down to conserve fat and energy. Skipping meals will also cause overeating and other potential health problems. 


  • MYTH 3 – “Working on your core everyday will help you lose belly fat” 

People exercise really hard to get six packs. However what they don’t know is that everyone has a six pack called rectus abdominus. It’s not visible because it is hidden under a layer of abdominal fat. So, no matter how many crunches you do you still wouldn’t get abs. The key to lose fat is to constrain your diet.  Eating fewer calories than what you expend will cause the body to use the fat for energy and hence help in reducing the layer of fat. 


  • MYTH 4 – “you just have to decrease your calorie intake, doesn’t matter what you eat” 

It is true that for losing fat decreasing the amount of calories you consume is essential. But all calories are NOT equal. For example, a bar of chocolate may have 250 calories and so will your bowl of fruits. But the difference is that the bar of chocolate will increase your glucose levels increase your risk of getting diabetes. Whereas the fruit bowl, not only will it keep you full but also since they are high in fiber it will take longer time to digest and help in fat loss.