Carbs are definitely my favorite food group and for a good reason. They come in so many forms, my favorite one being sugar. However, ever since the diet industry has boomed, they have been demonetized and classified under the group of foods that need to be eliminated for weight loss or for health in general. Could you imagine not eating rice, chapati, pasta, pizza, cakes for the rest of your life just for the sake of your ‘health’? While this is possible, it certainly is more depressing to live by. 

So are carbs really as bad as these ‘fitspos’ claim? The answer is an obvious no. Sure, some carbs are better than the others but to classify the whole food group as unnecessary is a little far fetched. So I’ve compiled a list of scientifically proven reasons as to why your body actually needs carbs and why you shouldn’t jump on the no-carb bandwagon:

1.Major source of energy

We know that 1g of carbohydrates yields 4kcal on an average. Carbohydrates are the easiest to break down into energy and hence are usually considered as the main source of energy. In a lot of areas staple foods like rice, wheat, potatoes etc are more affordable for people. 

2.Sparing protein for tissue building

If your diet consists of an adequate amount of carbohydrates then your body will use it for energy instead of breaking down the protein consumed. This prevents oxidation of the protein which is then used for tissue building and other processes. So if you think that you don’t need carbs if you’re building muscles then you’re clearly doing things wrong. Which is why most health professionals recommend taking a carb rich meal before a workout.

3.Brain & heart fuel

Our central nervous system and cardiovascular system uses glucose as its main source of energy. Prolonged hypoglycemia can result in damage to the brain tissue and heart muscles. 

4.Muscle function:

When our muscles contract, glycogen is broken down into lactic acid by the process of glycolysis and when they relax, lactic acid is converted to acetyl coA which is oxidised to CO2 and H2O and is used as fuel for muscular work. 

5.Source of dietary fibre

Whole grains are a good source of dietary fiber which is responsible for stimulating peristaltic movement and maintaining good bowel health. If you’re constantly constipated then it might be a sign to add more fibre to your diet.

Eg: 100g of oats has 10g of fiber. 

6.Back up energy reserves

Excess carbohydrates consumed are converted into fat and stored in the adipose tissue. When the body needs energy, the adipose tissue is utilized. So everytime you skip a meal, guess which nutrient still provides you energy? That’s right, it’s carbohydrates. 

So, are you now convinced that carbs aren’t poison? It’s important to maintain a balance; for a healthy, nutritious diet- the key is to include more of complex carbs in your diet rather than simple ones. Making simple swaps makes whole lot of a difference!

If you still aren’t convinced and you need more help to get over your fear then I can help you out in a free 10 minutes 1 on 1 consultation call- just book an appointment on our app: